• The Many, Not The Few

    The British general election has produced an impressive list of casualties.  Theresa May may survive for the time being but her gamble on a snap election so as to increase her majority – and her authority, especially in the forthcoming Brexit talks – has spectacularly misfired.  Even with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party from Northern Ireland, it seems unlikely that she or her government will survive a full further term.

    Other casualties were even less expected.  The Scottish National Party’s losses seem to have put paid to any talk of a second referendum on Scottish independence.  And the loss by Nick Clegg of his seat in the House of Commons demonstrates the price that has been paid by the Liberal Democrats for the coalition arrangement Clegg took them into with the Tories.

    That leaves for consideration the political leader who was widely expected to come a cropper.  Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, did not of course win the election – though, under an MMP voting system that would surely have produced more seats for smaller parties, he might have had a good shot at forming a minority or coalition government.

    But he did out-perform all expectations and could justifiably be regarded as the stand-out figure of the campaign.  He achieved this, despite being dismissed as lacking personality, charisma and relevant experience, and as being as a consequence unelectable.  He achieved this despite the most vitriolic campaign of vilification against him by the right–wing press who used banner front-page headlines to accuse him of being unpatriotic and of being a jihadist sympathiser.  Even BBC journalists conceded that he had been very unfairly treated by the media.

    He achieved this, despite the repeated efforts by the “New Labour” or “Blairite” wing of his own party in parliament to unseat him as leader, and their constant efforts, both in public and in private, to undermine him.

    Imagine what he could have achieved if he had had a united party behind him and a fair go in the press!

    So, what did he have going for him?  What explains the unexpected (and admittedly comparative) success that he and Labour enjoyed?

    What seems to have attracted voters is that he was willing to talk to them, not as a politician but in human terms – in marked contrast to Theresa May, who was so robotic that she attracted the nickname “Maybot”.  Jeremy Corbyn, by contrast, attracted huge crowds, and seems to have particularly enthused young voters.

    What did he talk to them about?  He talked to them about what a good and decent society looks like, about how its members should treat each other, about government’s responsibility to ensure that no one gets left behind and that everyone has a fair chance of achieving what they want and are capable of – in other words, he described “a politics for the many and not just for the few”.

    This meant, he said, that there must be an end to “austerity” which was merely a clever way of saying that the many must “go without” while the few made fortunes.  He said that pubic services – like the railways or the health service – should not be privatised and run (often inefficiently) for private profit, but should be truly “public” – owned by and serving “the public”.  It meant that taxation should be paid fairly by those who can afford it so that the country could deliver good health and education for all, as well as effective policing, defence and security.

    He said all this, despite the warnings – even from within his own party – that it would mean electoral suicide.  He understood that if politicians commit only to what will win the approval of the few, then the voters will quickly understand that the interests of few will always prevail, and that those of the many must then come much further down the list.

    Corbyn’s readiness to talk about the issues that matter to most people struck a chord with voters who had been told for years that he was a no-hoper.  Bernie Sanders had already demonstrated much the same thing in the US presidential primaries.  Left-of-centre parties around the globe – and not least in New Zealand – might at last take note.

    Bryan Gould

    10 June 2017





  1. Patrick Holt says: June 10, 2017 at 8:36 amReply

    You’ve got to contrast the strength of Labour with an unashamedly leftwing leadership and policy with the wipe-outs experienced by other Social Democratic or Socialist (named) parties elsewhere, like the French SP which is a minor party now, polling just 7%. Stubbornly staying “moderate”, “centrist” or otherwise status quo rather than going populist when the times make the public populist gets allegedly centre-left parties wrecked, and all that self-serving calculation to the effect that only the upper middle class and their interests matter, the same category that MPs and TV pundits themselves happen to fall into, is revealed as dangerously out of date snobbery rather than in any way cunning or better educated.

    • Bryan Gould says: June 10, 2017 at 7:58 pmReply

      Patrick, couldn’t agree more. Bryan

  2. Jeremy Callaghan says: June 10, 2017 at 12:23 pmReply

    I couldn’t agree more with your analysis, Bryan. From the time Corbyn came to wider attention, and I became aware of him and did some research, I asked “what’s not to like?”. He may have kept some dubious company years ago, but even that may have had a positive aspect, as at some point in politics you have to talk with the enemy. I think Corbyn could be a very good national leader and could enthuse new generations of citizens who put real values ahead of how they can screw the system for all it’s worth.

  3. Bryan Gould says: June 10, 2017 at 7:59 pmReply

    Jeremy, absolutely right. Bryan

  4. Neil Stretton says: June 10, 2017 at 8:29 pmReply

    You highlight what Corbyn did so well. I had my doubts about the effectiveness of his leadership, but he has blown away all (or most !) of my criticisms. OK, so he is not a great Parliamentary perfomer – but then neither was Clem Attlee (most agree, the best PM we ever had). OK, he has a rather dubious past relationship with the hierarchy of the Party – but then so did Nye Bevan (many feel, the best PM we never had). OK, he is not an intellectual, but then the Labour Party is always a bit wary of intellectuals (isn’t it Bryan – more’s the pity in your case !?). He has proved so many wrong. I hope the rest of the Party (ie his critics) realise what he has done – and come around to the view that they should work WITH him, not against him.

    • Bryan Gould says: June 10, 2017 at 9:55 pmReply

      Neil, good to hear from you. Yes, Jeremy could achieve so much more with a united party behind him. Bryan

  5. mikesh says: June 12, 2017 at 5:11 amReply

    It is interesting that, despite Nick Clegg losing his seat, the LibDems did quite well, increasing the number of seats that they hold by 33%.

  6. Hengist Pod says: June 26, 2017 at 12:16 amReply

    Thanks for this Bryan. Worth adding that it wasn’t only the right-wing press that put the boot in on Corbyn. The Guardian also did all they could to ensure Corbyn wouldn’t win. They have spent the last two years undermining him at every opportunity and were fully with the attempts to unseat him. No great surprise to many folks though. Jonathan Cook, Media Lens and others have been calling them out on it for some time.

Reply to mikesh